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M.sc. Plant Pathology


Course Description

Course Outline

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PP-701Fungal Plant Pathology*2
PP-704Plant Nematology*2
PP-706Plant Virology*2
PP-714Vector Transmission of Plant Diseases2
ENT-730Techniques for testing insecticides2
PP-705Plant Virology2
PP-710Genetics of Plant Pathogens3
PP-704Fungal Plant Pathology* Fall-20212
PP-712Integrated Plant Disease Management2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PP-703Plant Bacteriology2
PP-715Plant Pathology and International obligations2
PP-710Biological control of Plant Pathogens2
PP-707Biochemistry and Physiology of Diseased Plants2
PP-713Plant Pathology and Environmemtal Concerns3
PP-707Plant Nematology2
PP-706-F21Plant Bacteriology2
PP-711Seed Pathology2
PP-718Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PP-701Fungal Plant Pathology*2
PP-704Plant Nematology*2
PP-706Plant Virology*2
PP-714Vector Transmission of Plant Diseases2
ENT-730Techniques for testing insecticides2
PP-705Plant Virology2
PP-710Genetics of Plant Pathogens3
PP-704Fungal Plant Pathology* Fall-20212
PP-712Integrated Plant Disease Management2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
PP-703Plant Bacteriology2
PP-715Plant Pathology and International obligations2
PP-710Biological control of Plant Pathogens2
PP-707Biochemistry and Physiology of Diseased Plants2
PP-713Plant Pathology and Environmemtal Concerns3
PP-707Plant Nematology2
PP-706-F21Plant Bacteriology2
PP-711Seed Pathology2
PP-718Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction2
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
Stat-701Experimental statistics-13
ENT-729Insecticide application equipment2
PP-719 ASpecial Problem I0

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