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Prof. Dr. Jawad Iqbal
  • Prof. Dr. Jawad Iqbal

  • Professor | Director (IBMAS) | Director Academics
  •  @jisiddiqui4
  •  Jisiddiqui4@yahoo.com


Prof. Dr. Jawad Iqbal, working as Professor & Director, Institute of Business Management and Administrative Sciences (IBMAS), The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. He completed his doctoral degree from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). His doctoral research was completed under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Amran Bin Md. Rasli in the area of the knowledge based research collaboration for economic transformation.
He published more than 32 research articles in highly reputed local and international Journals with impact factor. He also published 03 Book Chapters in the international Books of high repute. Dr. Jawad organized different national and International Conferences locally and internationally. He is also working as a chief editor of two research journals. He supervised three PhD and more than 40 MS students.

Address:Institute of Business Management and Administrative Sciences (IBMAS), Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus,

Research Interests

Emotional Intelligence; Social Emotional Development, Citizenship Behaviors, Organization Behavior, Social Media

Awards and Honors

  1. Best Paper Award for the Paper presented in The 2013 AFAP Conference on Business and Management (ACBM-2013), Johor Bahru, Malaysia


1. Social media usage and individuals' intentions toward adopting Bitcoin: The role of the theory of planned behavior and perceived risk, International Journal of Communication Systems DOI: 10.1002/dac.4590    1.319
2. Innovation in Chinese internet companies: A meta-frontier analysis PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233278. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0233278    2.776
3. Environmental Disaster and Women Self Sustainability. A Survey Study  on Microfinance Female Clientele in Pakistan, International of Finance and Economics (Accepted for Publication)    0.943 (Q3)
4. Framework Development of High Performance Work Systems (HPWSs) and Faculty Productivity: A Qualitative Approach    Journal of Management Sciences. Vol. 7 (1)    2020    Y
5. Social Media and individuals’ intention towards adopting Bitcoin. Role of Perceived Risk    Accepted for Publication: International Journal of Communication Systems    2019    SSCI. 1.278
6. Why do I contribute to Organizational Learning When I am Ostracized? A Moderated Mediation Analysis    Journal of Management & Organization
Accepted for Publication    2019    SSCI- 1.021
7. Assessment of Resident’s Perceptions and Support Towards Development Projects: A Study of China Pakistan Economic Corridor    The Social Science Journal     2019    1.017
8. Resource and Information Access for SMEs Sustainability in the ERA of IR 4.0. The Mediating and Moderating Roles of Innovation Capability and Management Commitment, Processes, 7(4), 211; https://doi.org/10.3390/pr7040211    2019    SCEI-2.973
9. Performance Indicator of E-Logistics with Mediating Role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)    Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research Vol. 8(4) 217-228    2018    ESCI
10. Antecedents of Sustainable Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives in Pakistan and Outcomes: Collaboration between Quadruple Helix    Sustainability
Vol. (10), 4539; doi:10.3390/su10124539    2018    SSCI- 2.1
11. Determinants of Firm’s Open Innovation Performance and the Role of R & D Department: An Empirical Evidence from Malaysian SME’s, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research (2018) 8:29    2018    ESCI
12. Why Adaptable Individuals Perform Better: The role of Orientation of Happiness Australian Journal of Career Development 26(3) 134–141    2017    ESCI


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